Reach4Skills is An Ofsted Good Provider
Following a recent Ofsted inspection, we are delighted to announce that Reach4Skills has been given an overall effectiveness rating of Good. Our mission is to help our Learners and Employers “live a more satisfying and authentic life” so it is extremely important to us that we are continuing to meet the high quality standards of education.
Overall effectiveness: Good
The quality of education: Good
Behaviour and attitudes: Good
Personal development: Good
Leadership and management: Good
We are thankful to our hard-working team who have made this result possible.
“Apprentices are motivated to succeed. They enjoy their studies and are keen to do well. Apprentices become proficient in their roles quickly, and they develop the knowledge and skills to become skilled practitioners. For example, early years apprentices apply their learning on child development milestones confidently and accurately when they discuss a child’s learning with their parents.”