Training for
The Apprenticeships we provide training for:
Level 2
The broad purpose of the occupation is to care for and support children in taking responsibility for themselves and their own playing whilst creating a stimulating and adventurous space for children to learn and explore in their own way, following their own intent, ideas and inventions.
This occupation is found in a range of play settings offering different models of Playwork. Most Playworkers are employed in the voluntary or public sector, while others work in the private sector. Playworkers may work in local community settings, such as Before and After School Clubs, Adventure Playgrounds and Mobile Play Provision.
The apprentice must achieve the following on-programme assessment requirements prior to Gateway:
The apprentice is consistently working at or above the knowledge, skills and behaviours (KSBs) requirements as outlined in the standard.
Professional discussion underpinned by a portfolio of evidence.
Apprentices without Level 2 English and Maths will need to achieve this level prior to taking their end point assessment.
Future Job Prospects & Learning Opportunities
Typical jobs involving Playwork include:
Play Ranger
Inclusion/Support Playworker
Engagement Worker
Playground Assistant
Early Years Practitioner
Level 2
Duration: Typically, 12 months (this does not include EPA period)
The broad purpose of the Early Years Practitioner is to work and interact directly with children on a day-to-day basis, supporting the planning and delivery of activities, purposeful play opportunities and educational programmes within the ethos of the setting. An Early Years Practitioner works as part of a professional team, ensuring the welfare and care of the children under the guidance and supervision of an Early Years Educator, teacher, or other suitably qualified professional in the early years workforce.
They will be responsible for supporting child-initiated and adult-led activities based around the needs and interests of each individual child, supporting children’s learning and working as part of a team to ensure each child feels safe and secure. An Early Years Practitioner will also support the observation and assessment of each child, and contribute to their learning experiences whilst assisting with the care needs of the individual child.
The apprentice must achieve the following on-programme assessment requirements prior to Gateway:
Level 2 Early Years Practitioner Qualification
A completed Portfolio of Evidence
English and Maths at Level 1
Attempts at Level 2 English and Maths by sitting Functional Skills tests
Future Job Prospects & Learning Opportunities
As well as ensuring full competency as an Early Years Practitioner, this standard provides a foundation for potential progression on to a number of career paths in the educational sector including Early Years Educator, Teaching Assistant or Teacher.
Community Activator Coach
Level 2
Duration: Typically, 18 months (this does not include EPA period)
The Community Activator Coach promotes, delivers and coaches fun, inclusive and engaging activities that help whole communities to change their behaviour, adopt and keep to a physically active lifestyle. Community Activator Coaches are more than activity and sports leaders – they understand communities and customers. They will be equipped with the specialist knowledge needed to effectively work with one customer group (such as inactive teenagers) but also be knowledgeable about other inactive customer groups whom they may be expected to work with on occasions.
The apprentice must achieve the following on-programme assessment requirements prior to Gateway:
The apprentice is consistently working at or above the knowledge, skills and behaviours (KSBs) requirements as outlined in the standard.
Apprentices must have completed a set of Reflective Accounts, which will underpin the Panel.
Interview component.
Apprentices without Level 2 English and Maths will need to achieve this level prior to taking their end point assessment.
Future Job Prospects & Learning Opportunities
Successful completers will be able to move into leadership or management roles within the Sector which may be aligned to an Apprenticeship at higher level. This progression will involve leading teams of people; acting as a mentor for staff; or specialising with the delivery of sporting and physical activity programmes to certain populations or communities.
Early Years Educator
Level 3
Duration: Typically, 18 months (this does not include EPA period)
The Early Years Educator qualification is suitable for those currently working in or wishing to work in Early Years Education & Care.
Early Years Educators, and other job roles such as Nursery Nurse and Childminders, are highly trained professionals who play a key role in ensuring that young children learn and develop well and are kept healthy and safe. They work in a range of settings including full day care, children’s centres, pre-schools, reception classes and as Childminders.
The apprentice must achieve the following on-programme assessment requirements prior to Gateway:
Level 3 Early Years Educator qualification
Level 3 Award in Paediatric First Aid (RQF) or Level 3 Award in Emergency Paediatric First Aid (RQF)
Level 2 English and Maths
Future Job Prospects & Learning Opportunities
Upon achievement of this qualification learners can progress into various job roles in the statutory, voluntary or private sectors such as:
Assistant in Children’s Centres
Practitioner in nursery schools
Practitioner in reception classes in primary schools
Pre-school worker
Manager of Early Years setting (with additional training)
If a learner wishes to continue to a higher qualification, they can progress to the Level 4 Certificate for the Early Years Advanced Practitioner.
Teaching Assistant
Level 3
Duration: Typically, 18 months (this does not include EPA period)
The Teaching Assistant qualification is suitable for a range of learners who are currently working in an education environment or who wish to work in an education environment.
Teaching Assistants work in Primary, Special and Secondary education across all age ranges encompassing special educational needs and emotional vulnerabilities. The primary role of the Teaching Assistant is to support the class teacher to enhance pupils learning either in groups or individually, ensuring pupils understand the work set, know their learning objectives and stay on task in order to make progress. Promoting self-belief, social inclusion and high self-esteem play an integral part to pupils’ well-being; ensuring pupils thrive in a positive, nurturing, safe environment.
The apprentice must achieve the following on-programme assessment requirements prior to Gateway:
Level 2 English and Maths
Portfolio of Evidence to support the Professional Discussion
Future Job Prospects & Learning Opportunities
Upon achievement of this qualification learners can progress into various job roles:
Teaching Assistant (Primary and Secondary Schools)
Specialise in working with children who have Special Educational Needs (SEN)
Learners can progress to various educational paths once this qualification is complete such as, Higher Level Teaching Assistant, Assistant Teacher and Teacher.
Team Leader/Supervisor
Level 3
Duration: Typically, 12 months (this does not include EPA period)
The Team Leader/Supervisor qualification is suitable for a range of learners who are new to a team leading position or aspiring to be a team leader.
A Team Leader/Supervisor is a first line management role, with operational/project responsibilities or responsibility of managing a team to deliver a clearly defined outcome. They provide direction, instructions and guidance to ensure the achievement of set goals. Working in the private, public or third sector and in all sizes of organisation, specific responsibilities will vary, but the knowledge, skills and behaviours needed will be the same whatever the role.
The apprentice must achieve the following on-programme assessment requirements prior to Gateway:
Level 2 English and Maths
Developed their portfolio evidence
Completed CPD log including copies of any ILPs or training plans and any certificates achieved
Prepare for their Competency based interview
Gathered evidence of their CPD activities
Future Job Prospects & Learning Opportunities
Upon achievement of this qualification learners can progress into various job roles:
Care sector
Office based
Learners can progress to Level 5 Operations/Departmental Manager and Level 6 Chartered Manager.
Early Years Lead Practitioner
Level 5
Duration: Typically, 24 months (this does not include EPA period)
This occupation is found in a range of settings which can include day nurseries, playgroups, nursery schools, pre-schools, kindergartens, primary schools, hospitals, social care settings, out of school environments and local authority provision. The broad purpose of the occupation is to be a proactive and influential practitioner, working directly with children, skilfully leading day to day practice at an operational level.
As active practitioners they are effective role models of play based learning, supporting others to develop their own practice. They are highly skilled professionals who take an operational lead for the care, learning and development of all young children within their care, adapting to individual needs providing inclusive and holistic provision. They engage with sector developments both locally and nationally, with a commitment to developing their own professional and educational competencies.
In their daily work, an employee in this occupation interacts with children aged birth to eight years, families, practitioners, other professionals and appropriate agencies. An employee in this occupation will be responsible for supporting the quality of learning and development in their setting. They lead on the operational aspects of this provision and are typically responsible for leading other practitioners, an aspect or environment such as; Communication and Language, Planning and Assessment, Forest School, Physical Activity and Nutrition. They usually report directly to the head of the setting (The Manager, The Leader, The Director).
The learner must achieve the following on-programme assessment requirements prior to Gateway:
Level 2 English and Maths
Completion of a portfolio of evidence to underpin the professional discussion
Future Job Prospects & Learning Opportunities
Upon achievement of this qualification learners can progress into a variety of Early Years roles, including management roles.
Customer Service Practitioner
Level 2
Duration: Typically, 12 months (this does not include EPA period)
Customer Service practitioners ensure that the needs of the customers are satisfied. Their aim is to provide excellent customer service and promote customer-centric behaviours throughout the organisation they work for.
Regardless of the channel they work within-on the phone, social media, web chat or face-to-face with customers-customer service agents perform a vital role and keeping their skills sharp is essential for the agility of the organisation.
The apprentice must achieve the following on-programme assessment requirements prior to Gateway:
Level 1 English and Maths
Attempt Level 2 English and Maths by sitting the test
Apprentice showcase completed
Practical observation
Professional discussion
Future Job Prospects & Learning Opportunities
Upon achievement of this qualification learners can progress into various job roles:
Call Centres
Sport and Recreation
Learners can progress to the Level 3 Customer Service Specialist, Level 3 Team Leader/Supervisor or Level 5 Operations/Departmental Manager.
Customer Service Specialist
Level 3
Duration: Typically, 15 months (this does not include EPA period)
The Customer Service Specialist is an advocate of Customer Service who acts as a referral point for dealing with more complex or technical customer requests, complaints and queries. They will often be an escalation point for complicated or ongoing customer problems.
As an expert in their organisation’s products and/ or services, they will share knowledge with the wider team and colleagues. They will gather and analyse data and customer information that influences change and improvements in service.
The apprentice must achieve the following on-programme assessment requirements prior to Gateway:
Achieved Level 2 English and Maths
Work-based Project proposal submitted
Portfolio of Evidence completed
Future Job Prospects & Learning Opportunities
Upon achievement of this qualification learners can progress into various job roles:
Call Centres
Sport and Recreation
Learners can progress to the Level 5 Operations/Departmental Manager.
Business Administrator
Level 3
Duration: Typically, 18 months (this does not include EPA period)
The Business Administrator qualification is suitable for a range of learners, either working or wishing to work in most industries such as retail, hospitality, finance, health care, marketing, sales, human resources and accounting.
Business Administrators have a highly transferable set of knowledge, skills and behaviours that can be applied in all sectors. This includes small and large businesses alike; from the public sector, private sector and charitable sector.
The apprentice must achieve the following on-programme assessment requirements prior to Gateway:
Level 2 Maths and English
A portfolio of learning completed
The project completed and project presentation prepared
Future Job Prospects & Learning Opportunities
Upon achievement of this qualification learners can progress into various job roles such as:
Administrative assistant
Programme administrator
Payroll administrator
Learners can progress to Level 4 Associate Project Manager and then Level 5 Operations/Departmental Manager.
Operations/Departmental Manager
Level 5
Duration: Typically, 30 months (this does not include EPA period)
This qualification is suitable for a range of learners, who currently manage a team or projects within an organisation or who are wishing to manage a team or projects.
An Operations/Departmental Manager is generally someone who is able to manage teams or projects and has responsibility for planning, delivering and achieving departmental goals and objectives. Accountable to a more senior manager, head of department or small business owner, they are responsible for the operational delivery of the organisation’s strategy.
The apprentice must achieve the following on-programme assessment requirements prior to Gateway:
Achieved Level 2 English and Maths
Professional discussion underpinned by a portfolio of evidence
Project proposal, presentation and questioning
Future Job Prospects & Learning Opportunities
Upon achievement of this qualification learners can progress into various job roles:
Hospitality sector
Care sector
Retail sector
Finance sector
Learners can progress to Level 6 Chartered Manager.
How we deliver apprenticeships
Prior to enrolment a Tutor will be allocated to the Apprentice. Initial assessments are completed prior to enrolment and during, Tutors assess these to decide with the Apprentice and Employer, the best Apprenticeship route and complete the plan of training for the Apprentice.
During the enrolment the date for the first learners visit is planned, which will be carried out in the first month. Following this Tutors will carry out a visit every 4 weeks. These visits will be arranged at a mutually convenient time.
In addition to the Assessor visits we will conduct progress review visits every 12 weeks. These reviews will take the form of a three-way meeting between our Assessor, the Apprentice and their Mentor/Manager on site. The purpose of these meetings is to check that everyone is happy and that the apprenticeship training is progressing well.
There will also be, at times, a requirement for external verification, assessment, compliance and quality assurance. In some instances, a third party may request access, any access will be discussed and arranged in advance.